Ward ha comentado que ya tiene una ligera idea, una sospecha, sobre qué libro irá después de LOVER UNLEASHED, pero prefiere esperar por si se equivoca. No sé vosotros, pero... ¡yo me muero por saber quiénes vendrán después de Payne y Manny!
Por otro lado, la autora también ha dicho que la portada de LOVER UNLEASHED está casi hecha, tal vez se termine a finales de esta semana o quizá se alargue un poco más. Pero la cuestión importante aquí es: ¿cuándo nos la mostrará? ¡Espero que no tarde mucho! Tendrá que ser muy buena para superar la de Lover Mine, ¿no creéis?
18 comentarios:
Creo que la portada de Lover mine, es la mejor, no creaís que es porque Jonh es mi favorito,...ejem...
Aparte de Amante vengado, será otro libro que no es de los hermanos en sí, ya se que tenemos pistas sobre Maello, pero tengo ganas como lo enfocará, y sobre todo por ser la hermana de Vishous, el gran hermano protector, jejejeje!!!
un beso!!!
PD:me llevé tu banner de Lover mine, como no, jijij!!!
También tengo unas ganas enormes de ver el enfoque que le dará al libro!
Sí, ya vi que te llevaste el banner jajajaja
Creo que el proximo libro despues de Payne y Manny, se dara a conocer cuando salga a la luz el mencionado libro. No creo que siga el de Thor ya que aun pienso es muy pronto para que pase el duelo de Wellsie.Ojala pronto vengan personajes nuevos, me interesaria ver a Murder y leer la reaccion de Jhon. Un poco de Celos no estrian nada mal. Claro que no tendria poruqe ya que Xhex solo tiene ojos para este muchacho calladito. jajaja
Pero como siempre estos condimentos nunca estan de mas. Por lo pronto muero por leer sobre el hijo adoptivo de Rhage y Mary, ojala no tengamos que esperar mucho por el.
Besos y grcias por la informacion...
Una duda Dagger, te cuento que me registre en el foro de ward, pero no tenga mucha idea hacerca de foros.Ademas mis conocimientos sobre ingles son basicos, pero ese no es el problema) Cuando sea la charla sobre Crave, como tengo que hacer para participar a donde me tengo que dirigir?
desde ya agradezco tu ayuda.
Acabo de encontar Tu blog i me encantO pues ((YOo AmOoO a la HerManDad♥♥♥
Son muy IntensOoS ... muerO por ver como se relacionara esta nueva Historia pero algo es seguro Ward Nos sorprenderA°!!
Noel, si quieres, podrias ponerte en contacto conmigo por mail y allí te lo explico todo.
Bienvenida, XheXania!!
Blay y Qhuinn, Blay y Qhuinn! *Dani cruza los dedos*
Su portada ha de ser... ufff.
me encantaria que el proximo libro sea de lassiter!!!
Blay y Qhuinn! Espero que el proximo libro sea sobre ellos...
"— Dígame algo, doctor. ¿Usted coquetearía con una mujer casada?"
daggher a que capitulo del libro amante desatado pertenece esta cita?.
no tengo el libro asi que lo buscare en mi archivo de work.
Pertenece al capítulo 43, Mary. Creo que a partir de ahora pondré la página y el capítulo!
Un besote!
Daggher, es verdad q Ward colgó en su web un epilogo de Covet? ya q lo terminé pero quedé con ganas de saber más sobre la pareja, lo tenés traducido?...
Gracias, besos!!!
Según he leido, el epílogo que hizo en COVET, Ward lo está utilizando para el principio de CRAVE.
Lo que sí que hay en la web es una escena eliminada. Intentaré traducirla cuando tenga un hueco!
seguro el proximo libro despues del de payne es de murhder o tohr y no-one (no me acuerdo como se ecriben los nombres)
porque fueron presentados de repente en amor mio (o en el caso de no-one, se descubrio quien era)
Gracias Dagg!!!!
Te gustó también Covet?...y Vin?....
chicassss encontre un adelanto de love unleashed... (el que esta al final del libro de crave, un alma caritativa lo transcribio de su libro)... se los copio aca !!!!!
disfrutenlo !
Manny Manello didn't like other people driving his Porsche. In fact, short of his mechanic, no one else did.
Tonight, however, Jane Whitcomb was behind the wheel because: One, she was competent and could shift without grinding his transmission into a stump; two, she'd maintained the only way she could take him where they were going was if she were doing the ten-and two routine; and three, he was still reeling from seeing someone he'd buried pop out of the bushes to hi-how're-ya him.
So many questions. Lot of pissed off, too. And yeah, sure, he was hoping to get a place of peace and light and sunshine and all that namby-pamby bullshit, but he wasn't holding his breath for it. Which was kind of ironic. How many times had he stared up at his ceiling at night, all nestled in his beddy-bye with some Lagavulin, praying that his former chief of Trauma would come back to him?
But that was never happening now. Aside form the whole liar-liar-pants-on-fire about her death, there was a gunmetal gray ring on her left hand.
"You got married," he said.
She didn't look at him, just kept driving, "Yes, I did."
As he looked out of the car window, fluffy pine trees and budding oaks stood tall in the moonlight.
"You died out here," he said grimly. "Or at least pretended you did."
Jane cleared her throat. "I feel like all I've got is 'I'm sorry'. And that just sucks.
"Not a party on my end, either."
Silence. Lot of silence. But he wasn't the one to keep asking when all he got in return was I'm sorry. Besides, he wasn't totally in the dark. He knew she had a patient she wanted him to treat and he knew... Well, that was about it, wasn't it.
Before she even had his Porsche in park, a steel door was thrown open and-
One look at the huge guy who stepped out and Manny's head exploded, the pain behind his eyes going so intense, he went limp in the bucket seat, his arms falling to the sides, his face twitching from the agony.
The air that hit him smelled dry and vaguely like earth... but there was something else. Cologne. A very woody spice that was at once expensive and pleasing, but also something he had a curious urge to get away from.
On a wave of pain, his eyes rolled back into his head and he nearly threw up.
“You’ve got to release the memories,” he heard Jane said.
There was a long silence. And then all of a sudden, the pain lifted as if it were a veil drawn back, and memories flooded his mind.
Manny popped open his eyes and lasedered in on that cruel face. "I know you."
"You get him out of the car," was the only response from Goatee. "I don't trust myself to touch him."
As Manny’s brain struggled to catch up with everything, at least his feet and legs seemed to work just fine. And after Jane helped him to the vertical, he followed her and the goateed hater into a facility that was as nondescript and clean as any hospital. There were also the bubbled fixtures of security cameras at regular intervals, like the building was a monster with many eyes.
Jane eventually stopped outside a pair of double flappers. She was nervous, and didn’t that make him feel like he had a gun to his head. This was personal, he thought. Somehow, whatever was on the other side hot close to home for her.
Manny pushed into the examination room-
Oh… dear God.
Oh… Lord above.
The patient on the table was laying still as water and… she was probably the most beautiful anything he’d ever seen.
It finally happened, he thought. All his life he’d wondered why he’d never fallen in love and now he knew the answer to that. He’d been waiting for this moment, this woman, this time.
This female is mine, he thought.
Muchísimas gracias! Ya está traducido
Dear god in heaven... morí 3 veces. Por favor, en lo que consigan en libro en español o en inglés súbanlo, que a Venezuela no llegan estos libros y yo también moriré si no lo leo Dx
Te amo Daggher! :D xD
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